Wednesday, February 2, 2011

february fullers

SO this month is crazy- first let me say I made a jazzy header for our blog-I've always wanted a fancy chandlier over our bathtub and I don't have one right now, so I put it on my blog with snazzy glittery font to make my life a little girly since I'm surround by boys, which I LOVE more than I ever imagined! Plus a cute v-day background...

Alright back to February fullers- all four of us have a birthday this month- that's right all 4!
Ashton 12
Tiffany 16
Archer 19
Andrew 25

I know what are the odds- I'm not sure but that's our little family and perfect may I say! :) OH gosh not only are our birthdays this month, but don't forget Valentine's is the 14 and then March 13th is our anniversary, which we will be celebrating our 7th year that's right FOLKS 7 years and I still LOVE him to pieces! More on that later! FUN, CRAZY, and $$$$ month!
Ciao for now...
OH- so should I change our blog address to the februaryfullerfolks or leave as is? I'm thinking it kinda sets us crazy folks apart- who else has an entire family with the same month for all the birthdays?

1 comment:

  1. you know i'm in awe of this! i thought my family was cool because we have a december (graham), january (adelaide), february (me), march (berkeley, our dog), and april (evan) bday. but y'all definitely have us beat:)
