Monday, December 10, 2012

show LOVE

Sometimes it is hard to show others love, especially when they are not the nicest, but that is when God is challenging us to be more Christ like and we are called to show His love!  Today our Angel showed Henry love even though he is causing some mischief around our house!  He jumped off the door moulding last night and landed face down, which cause some worried hearts with our boys!  Today we explained that even though he was acting out- the Angel was showing her love by wrapping her arms around him!  How can you show love to others?

Lesson with our kids:  even though your brother may "hurt" you by hitting you or be a "stinker" towards you we must still how each other love, because we are called to LOVE others no matter what!  Think of all the people that called Jesus names, but he still showed them Mercy and LOVE- how great is that!

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