Sunday, September 12, 2010

7 months and SHOCKED..

The sign was WAY more interesting than me trying to take your picture- I lost count at how many I tried to take, but it was just getting worst UNTIL....

Ashton took charge and held the sign with a look that was telling me that's right- I'm in charge here and aren't I cute! Was it a slight smirk? (I know he looks like me and Archer looks like Andrew, but is this a sign of his personality- take charge?)

It is funny to look at the pictures- Ashton is a little red head! Don't worry Andrew has Irish in him and when the sun has "kissed" my hair I get red highlights!


Where does the time go? I just can't believe that my baby is already 7 months and has 2 bottom teeth with a third on the bottom trying to break through!

SARAH Craig, I'm sitting here typing up my post for my blog and I just can't help but think of you! Our conversations about blogging and keeping up with it! I just LOVE ya to pieces- you always keep me smiling! I'm trying to be a better blogger, but __________. Go ahead and fill in the blank depending on the day!

NOW to the real reason I am blogging: Archer and Ashton aka: My little Monkeys

Ashton Creed Fuller: my baby you are already sitting up and smiling with such joy in your eyes! You are able to sit up from lying down and for the longest time this past month you would just roll around on the floor to get to point A and B, but now you are crawling like a crab- backwards! You are just like your BIG brother- you get so frustrated with crawling and once someone stands you up you laugh and smile like no other!

FOOD: you LOVE sweat peas, blueberries and DISLIKE: spinach and potatoes, but really I tried it and I totally agree, so does Archer and Daddy too! It was so yucky that we all had to try- you made such a funny face- why not!?

In the mornings Archer and I come into your room after you've been having lots of conversations with your monkey lovey and wish you morning! Archer climbs up on the side railings and boos you with a good morning- you reply with a HUGE grin!

Archer- you are truly testing your independence and BOY oh BOY you are good at it and actually pretty good and taking care of getting things done for yourself! We need a LOCK on our frig- you are a growing boy, but I think there should be a limit to the oranges YOU peel and EAT!

You say the cutest things that just light up my heart and make me smile and it reminds me WHAT a BLESSING you and your little brother are!

Potty TRAINING- is this a life lesson? I am wondering when the training ends and we just are doing it without accidents! Argh! Actually I think you are doing a good job- you are just a silly little boy that LOVES to play and forgets about that the bathroom exists and then opps...

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