Sunday, September 12, 2010

MY micah!

Every other Wednesday some of my FABulous friends get together and just hang out and let the kids be just kids, which can be peaceful and then STRESSFUL when you've got BOYS! Archer and his friend, Micah, are just a day apart in birthdays, but not one step apart when playing together, which equals TROUBLE in an equation! So this past week we went to Jake's house, he is about 5 months old, so no need for child proofing yet, therefore that means REAL fun for two- 2 year old BOYS! Let me just cut to the point of this- they found gun shells, bounced on beds, hided in curtains, and unmade Cindy's bed and were pretending to watch Veggie Tales on the alarm clocks and then "took" their naps while giggling! I don't think Ally, Micah's mom, and I set down once and if we did it was only to get up!

It got really quiet, which is not a good sign in their case...the picture says it all!

Archer and Micah or as Archer says MY MICAH!
Don't question a two year old?

This picture will be worth a million times of blackmail! Can't wait...

Archer ready to go to MDO- we found this shirt that said kickin it in pre-school, which he thought was too cool! I think with his hair fixed it adds another foot to him! I know its time for a hair cut, but I'm not sure what to do with it these days!

MDO-Archer thought he was going to see Micah since we were going to the church, but needless to say I had to tell my big man that he was not going to have MDO with Micah! Goodness I don't think he liked what I said, because he asked me over and over where is Micah (I lost count!). So I discussed this issue with Micah's Mom and she said in the spring he would go there, but was going somewhere else for the fall!

I explained to her that it was VERY important, because having Micah there would make our mornings easier in getting ready if Archer knew he was going to see Micah, PLUS when they get older and are in each others weddings they can tell the silly stories of MDO and their Moms, which they will still LOVE to pieces! I'm sure of that!

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