Tuesday, October 5, 2010

fall is in the air...

Putting fall up in our house...pumpkins on tables, harvest blessings posted on our kitchen counter and the scents of pumpkin pie burning fill our home!

Archer and Frankie, as we call him, are NOW friends- the first year we had him Archer was NOT sure, but would sit next to him, the second year- we had to put him away, and this year he is giving him hugs!

A flash back, 2008, of Archer and Frankie at the Heights house...
Our front door with a wreath that I made about 2 years ago- bow and all!

Ashton sitting in the park enjoying a picnic, after the pumpkin patch, yesterday at M&M, which is once a month meeting of the gals and kiddos from our Sunday School class where we just enjoy an outing somewhere in Houston for fun! This month was a pumpkin patch picnic!

Archer and Micah sitting in the wagon at the pumpkin patch- it was hard getting the two of them to focus and smile at the same time- they really did not want to smile! In fact Micah told his Mommy- no more smile Mommy! We kept trying to get a picture of them together, but it wasn't working, so Ally thought sit them in a wagon- they can't move to fast out of it, so here it is!

Archer is SUPER strong- I was SHOCKED! He kept pulling Avery and other kiddos around at the patch, plus the pumpkins! He just loves Avery- "she is pretty"!
Ashton and Will hanging out on the wagon! Ashton (7 1/2 months and Will 1 year old) and are like little twins- same size and all!

TOO precious! Will's Mommy is my dear friend Jodie, whom would of thought we would have two boys each of us- GOD did and HE knew what HE was doing! Thanks!

Archer pulling, Emilee pushing, and Micah, Hannah, and Luke riding! Strong kiddos having SUCH a blast! This is what life is about! What a treasured time- SO blessed to be home and enjoying these moments!
One final picture of my littlest pumpkin in the patch! What a joyous day we all had- I just LOVE my dear friends- they are truly blessing in our lives!

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