Wednesday, October 27, 2010


The last two days have been a little rough to say the least...We, meaning Ashton and I, have been waking up every 2-3 hours and then around 3 or 4 we stay up and have a little "party" for about an hour and then cry ourselves to sleep after umm I don't know I lost count! I BELIEVE we are teething- I feel a sharpness on top and everything has been going into his mouth! Archer gave him a toothbrush to chew on and with the lack of sleep and needing to chew on something these pictures say the rest- no need for further words!

teething + lack of sleep = see pictures

My poor baby boy and boy oh boy is he my baby boy!
MAMA's BOY to the MAX...

1 comment:

  1. those pictures are so sweet. karis and i are up every night at 3am too... so feel free to text if you need a buddy. :)
